Fun Facts
- Older sister: Yoon Doori
- Doo Joon's ideal type changes constantly
- B2UTYs are Doojoon’s ideal type as Doojoon thinks all B2UTYs are goddesses
- Doojoon has a crush on Sung Yuri from Fink.K.L
- Doojoon states that they can't even dream about it(BEAST and 2NE1 together)
- On MBC's 'Good Day' on the 24th, Doojoon confessed that his ideal type is costar Yoon Seung Ah.
- Lee Hyori and Shin Bong Sun (Idol maid) picked DooJoon as their ideal types
- biggest fear is Heights
- nick named: General (Yoon), National Boyfriend Idol, Falling Doo Joon (He constantly trips)
- Doojoon does not believe in quitting after a failure
- Doojoon is right handed
- On important occasions, Doojoon makes sure everyone is calm and well behaved
- Doojoon always throws his clothes around.
- Doo Joon once couldn't sleep when Hyunseung, Kikwang, Dongwoon, 4minute Gayoon and Jiyoon were about to take their college entrance exams
- "I will pack up in three days" Doojoon always says. Interviewer: "Does he pack up?" Nah.
- Doojoon bangs his head against the top of the bed while sleeping
- Out of all the members Doojoon loves to go online the most
- Doojoon double checks with problems, even when they are solved
- Doojoon was out with ok taecyeon when he was still a trainee under JYPE. Ok taecyeon was experiencing high popularity and fans only crowded around ok taecyeon. A bored doojoon therefore started to dig his nose, when he turned to face eye to eye with a fan. Doojoon was speechless, that fan was also speechless.
- Doojoon has made the members appreciate every little thing
- Enjoys hip hop and R&B
- Denys his love for taking selcas, but Junhyung proved otherwise by stating that he takes them when nobody looks (Whenn he finds a pretty place, or when he is bored, pulls out his phone to take selcas)
- DooJoon is the father to the group BEAST/B2ST
- Doojoon was ranked top as the male celebrity with a good body figure on Sixth Sense along with After School’s Gahee as the female celebrity chosen.
-Doojoon is the most animal-like member in their group according to BEAST/B2ST members
- Doojoon beat Dongwoon’s record in ripping pants while filming MVs. Dongwoon did 6, while Doojoon did 9. But if we were to include the recent Mystery MV, Dongwoon now has ripped 7 pants.
- Doojoon has neat handwriting, he said he won an award for neat handwriting while he was still in school
- Doojoon said once Yoseob acted cute towards him, Junhyung followed after batting his eyelids and smiling making aegyo sounds
- Doojoon said once he called Kikwang up and he rolled off his bed onto the floor, instead of getting up properly
- A fan brought a bag of 왕꿈틀이 (gummy worms) for doojoon during fansign. Doojoon awkwardly smiled and rejected her kind offer. seeing the fan’s disappointed reaction, Doojoon: “errr… we’ve 3 boxes of 왕꿈틀이 (gummy worms) in our dorm…”
- When Beast upgraded to a better dorm, Doojoon phoned his mum and excitedly told her, “The dorm’s living room is so huge to the point that i can play soccer in it!”
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